Friday 22 October 2010


My group and I went scouting for locations to use in our music video, we took a trip to Grimsthorpe Castle and found these pretty gardens but decided it was far too groomed and proper for what we wanted.
We also found this location at Ferry Meadows in Peterborough which looks really good but there is no bench and we thought we couldn't guarantee good weather in october for sitting on the floor.
The final location we found wa sin Rutland Water, the closest location to my house which is quite handy and it has a bench like we wanted, it also isn't to fussy with too many bushes and trees and it has a nice view of the lake.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


4music is an English channel that is available on digital television and it's the home for music/celebrity orientated shows or comedies that were once shown on Channel 4. Its web component can be found at with its own Facebook and Twitter pages.On average in a week 4music reaches 6,421 viewers and average weekly viewing is 0:07. The target audience for 4music would mostly be teenagers or people in the twenties, it is not aimed at a specific gender, like a rock channel suh as scuzz and most of the viewers will be open minded to music as 4music doesn't play a certain genre or set a certain mood. 4music uses both music video based viewing as well as scheduled programmes such as; the simple life, being n-dubz, balls of steel and shipwrecked. 4music is owned by Box Television which is then owned by the Bauer group and Channel 4, it acts as the music television production part of the company, they also own many other music channels such as; The Box, Kiss, Magic and Kerrang, which shows they know a lot about music television in all genres. Kiss and Kerrang are more gere orienated than the others as they focus specifically on certain types of music; Kerrang on rock/indie and Kiss on R&B/hip hip and pop.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Deconstruction of lyrics.


  • All media texts are re-present reality - they are contructions that involve selection
  • Images in tects evoke diferent connotations in different segments of the audience
Possible representations?
  • Gender
  • Regionality
  • Class
  • Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Freud's theory: erotic pleasure gained from looking at a sexual object (preferably when object ins unaware)
  • Screens within screens, CCTV, style images, webcams, characters watching performers


1.How old are you?
  • 13-18
  • 19 - 25
  • 26 - 40
  • 41+
2. What gender are you?
  • Male
  • Female
3. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • Acoustic
  • RnB
  • Hip-Hop
  • Rock
  • Metal
  • Indie
  • Other __________
4. How many hours do you listen to music a week?
  • 0 -2
  • 3 - 5
  • 6 - 8
  • 9 -11
  • 12+
5. Do you prefer to just listen to the song or watch the video as well?
  • Just song
  • Music video as well
6. Do you think it's important for the style of video to suit the song?
  • Yes
  • No
7. Do you go to gigs to see you favourite artists, if yes how often?
  • Once a week
  • Once a month
  • Twice a month
  • Very rarely
  • Never
8. Are there any bands/artists that you are influenced by?
9. What do you think makes a good music video?

Friday 15 October 2010

Lissie album analysis.

Kate Nash album analysis.

Contacting Maxine.

Myself and my group decided rather than find out the lyrics ourselves and maybe get them mixed up, emailed Maxine personally and asked her to send us them, we also asked her whether it would be okay for us to use her track for our media as we thought it was only polite. Maxine was happy for us to use her track as long as we show her the video which is more than fair! We thought it was a good idea to get in contacted with Vauzelle and it makes it a little bit more personal and if we ever needed to contact her again to ask her questions or ask her feedback on our video it wouldn’t be a problem.


Acoustic genre.

Acoustic music is compromised solely around instruments that produce an acoustic sound, rather than an electronic/electric sound. Artists, just like Maxine will simply use there own voice and an instrument such as a guitar or piano. Acoustic artists often have to increase the volume of there output using electronic amplifiers but they remain separate from the instrument and this then doesn’t affect the natural sound. Acoustic or ‘unplugged’ performances have become a lot more popular due to the popularity of ‘MTV unplugged’ and Radio 1’s ‘live lounge’ this has consequently brought about acoustic rising stars who maybe once wouldn’t have made it in the music industry.

Genres can also be distinguishe by:
*The Art/Popular/Traditional distinction
*Time period
*Regional and national distinctions
*Technique and instrumentation
*Fusional origins
*Sociological function

Conventions of an advert.

Conventions of an advert.

·        Band name and album title.
·        Nominations for awards and awards already received.
·        Ratings/opinions/reviews.
·        Release date.
·        Tour date details and stockists of tickets.
·        Album art work.
·        Website details.
·        Singles from the album already released.
·        Album name.
·        Record label.

Analysis of adverts:

1. The art work presented on the advert looks as if it would have been featured in the bands album and is quite quirky and alternative as if it’s almost a collage giving a hint to what type of band it is, most likely an indie alternative, it also consists of lots of random parts which obviously each thing has a significant meaning to the band or the album, the hints of colour in the picture make the advert a little less boring as otherwise it would be almost just black and white, although the colours are still fairly neutral it adds a little something which is quite artistic. The bands name and album name are very eye catching and visible as they are at the top in bold writing, in a light colour which contrasts with the black background.

2. This album cover is very different to the other one, although it still has the main picture being a piece of eye catching art work; it is a very different style. This piece of art is a lot bolder and makes a statement; it is very abstract and modern. By looking at this album cover I would imagine the genre is a ska, maybe punk style. This again is a collage effect piece of art and has a childish, playful edge to it, which may suggest what there music or the artist’s personalities are like. This kind of art work is continued onto the title and band name which is done in a reversed-out style to make it stand out a lot more and is also slightly unconventional to the normal black on white background.

Conventions of a digipak.

Digipaks are typically in a book-style and are made from either paper or strong cardboard, they also consist of one or two plastic trays which are there to hold the CD/DVD. Digipaks are one of the only alternatives to the original and classic jewel cases and although they haven’t taken over jewel cases they are being more frequently used by record companies. Although the digipaks do have negatives they seem to be becoming a lot more popular and act as a bespoke solution.

·        Eye catching and aesthetically pleasing.
·        Shatterproof (unlike jewel cases).
·        Cheaper to produce in bulk.
·        Good to display graphics.
·        Environmentally friendly.
·        Easier to accommodate all sorts of needs.
·        Very innovative and act as a premium product.
·        Offer more visuals and information to be on display.

·        Prone to tearing or ripping as they are only made of paper.
·        The plastic trays or teeth can break.
·        More expensive for smaller bands/artists.
·        Look old and ragged frequently.
·        If anything does happen to break the CDs fall out.

Conventions of a music video.

Most music videos will include standard mid-shots that will show band members or a narrative story inside the video. Close-ups will also be common which may be of instruments while the band plays or of the band members themselves. Long shots will also be used to establish location, artists, emotions or narrative. Shots may also be used to reflect words or emotions expressed in the song itself.

Camera movement will most likely follow the artist or narrative in the music video and will include panning, tracking, tilts and maybe crane shots if needed.
The predominant editing technique in music videos is straight cuts which will often be in time to the beta of the music,  this also allows a quicker pace which is needed in a short music video.

The mise-en-scene of a music video will put importance on the band or the instruments or the narrative that links to the song. The mise-en-scene will also connote the mood or tone of the song.

Our Group.

I have chosen to work with Sophie Dash and Aimee Hunt for our production and we have chosen a solo acoustic artist called Maxine Vauzelle who mixes blues and soul vibes into her music. We knew straight away we would choose the acoustic genre and browsed through various artists on, firstly we thought we would choose a male such as Anton Brello, but we didn’t particularly take to any of his lyrics and like many other acoustic artists you can find there music is a little repetitive and boring, then we came across Maxine Vauzelle who was the first female we looked at, we all immediately liked her voice and had ideas for what we could do with the video straight away, we chose her song ‘come on over’ which is a little more up beat than the others and the lyrics are very relative. Maxine is from Melbourne, Australia and is also in a disco style band called ‘we are fans.’ The type of people that may listen to Vauzelle I imagine would be mainly female whose taste is often the acoustic style, but there may be male fans as Vauzelle’s music isn’t simply acoustic, it is blues and soul as well.