Friday 10 December 2010

Filming and Editing Process.

We decided to take two cameras on our day of filming because we thought we could get the same shot from different angels and this is the kind of thing that would appear in a music production, we also took with us two tripods to use and this means even if we don't need them, we have them to steady shots just in case, they will also be good for close-ups.
Once we go to Rutland Water the sky looked grim but we got set up at our first location, started shooting, then the rain came, instead of wimping out we worked with it and used it as pathetic fallacy, taking shots of the rain hitting the lake and they looked really good. We got a good range of shots, including mid-shots, long-shots and close-ups and took them in different locations, we also took more than we needed in the form of lip-syncing because we know this works well when editing. After we felt we had finished with all the locations at Rutland Water we ventured into Stamford town and went straight to the high street to film around 12 minutes of Lidia stood in the middle while everyone moved quickly around her, as we would be speeding it up on the Apple Mac. We did encounter some problems with this as many people felt the need to move out the way of the camera so we found ourselves having to ask people to move into shot as this was what we were looking for. It took a while but was pretty basic as the camera just had to be left on the tripod and we soon ahd everything we needed. The next day at my house was a lot easier as we were indoors so we could manipulate the lighting a lot better and although we had two actors to work with that day, we knew what we wanted and the only problems we had were with making the actors do what we wanted.

Our editing process took a long time and we spent many hours sat in front of the Mac. We firstly had 56 minutes of so sort threw and decide what we wnated to keep. Some of the footage didn't work at all, mainly stuff at Rutland Water near the lake and often the stuff at my house was poor lighting. The good thing was we knew what we wanted and always sticked to it so there wasn't to much disagreement. At first we didn't want to use too  many fo the Mac effects because we felt it may be cliched but after a while we saw the footage became boring and so adding the odd effect made it more interesting and effect ssuch as 'aged film' worked really well with our genre. We aso forgot about our other camera for a while and then remembered we had footage on it and this footage of Lidia spinning around came in really handy and we ended up using it.

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